Certain professions require absolute focus to ensure safety and efficiency. A lot depends on you as a phlebotomy technician. Not only is accuracy important for giving doctors the information they need, but it’s also important for patient safety. At Montes HealthCare College, we strive to provide our phlebotomy students with the best education possible to ensure they perform their best. Part of that means helping them become mindful of mistakes that they need to avoid.
Whether you begin your post-school journey in a clinic, private office, or hospital, certain mistakes can still be costly. Below are four mistakes you must be aware of and avoid to ensure ongoing success as a phlebotomy technician. For more information and to sign up for our program, connect with our team for a tour of our Gardena campus.

1. Drawing Blood From the Wrong Patient
This is one of the rarest but arguably most costly mistakes a phlebotomy technician can make. Drawing blood from the wrong patient can cause a domino effect that leads to misdiagnosis and improper treatment. For this reason, it’s imperative to thoroughly check the patient’s identity documents before proceeding with a blood draw. We recommend reviewing the documents and asking patients about their identities to avoid confusion.
2. Making a Labeling Mistake
Just as with drawing blood from the wrong patient, labeling mistakes can cause significant issues further down the line. Labeling errors can lead to patients receiving treatments based on inaccurate lab results. This mistake can be prevented by labeling tubes at the time of the blood draw instead of pre-labeling. Moreover, checking the label against the documentation before placing it on the vail can also be helpful.
3. Being Unfamiliar With Phlebotomy Instruments
At Montes HealthCare College, we will prepare you by offering hands-on instructions on how to use phlebotomy instruments to perform a successful blood draw. However, different employers may be equipped with different instruments – the ins and outs of which you will need to learn. Being unfamiliar with an instrument can cause the patients you’re working with to feel uncomfortable and frustrated. So, developing a proper understanding of your tools is essential.
4. Employing Poor Phlebotomy Techniques
Poor phlebotomy techniques can cause pain and discomfort, making patients unhappy and making your workday more difficult. For this reason, it’s important to focus on the instructions you will receive during your program. We will show you the best methods to avoid blood draw errors, such as piercing the wrong vein or risking infection. Moreover, after the blood is drawn, it is important not to shake the vial as that can lead to inaccurate results.
Join the MHCC Phlebotomy Program
Getting the best education can help you avoid mistakes that can cause significant issues. At Montes HealthCare College, we provide an affordable phlebotomy program that will give you the education you need to start your medical career. Get in touch and learn by scheduling a campus tour. To connect with our office, dial (310) 436-7000 or click HERE.
Along with campus tours, we also offer students the opportunity to experience a real class before committing to a tuition payment schedule. Get in touch and attend one of our class sessions to see if our programs are right for you. No payment is necessary; simply contact us to request a pre-enrollment class audit.